Autumn colors :) |
All the beautiful colors, some raindrops and still quite mild temperature - the Autumn has arrived to Savonlinna region.
It's a perfect time for outdoor activities like walking in the forests, picking up the berries and mushrooms, fishing or just sitting on the lake shore and relax your mind by watching the colors of the nature...
Last weekend we did all that! First of all, we rent a cottage from the shores of Lake Saimaa. I heart that each of these rental cottages has a rowing boat, so we decided, that we'll row to the nearest lonely island to find out if there are any delicacies to pick up...
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Scenery of Lake Saimaa and our berry and mushroom island :) |
And there were!! We got one big bucket of lingonberries and some mushrooms like black trumpet and chanterelle. We also found a nice camping place to make a fire and eat -the one of the most important thing on an outdoor trip - our sandwiches :)
Lingonberries |
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Camp fire |
After our outdoor day we decided to continue Finnish traditions, so we heated a real wooden sauna, right next to Lake Saimaa. They also says, that you need to make these Finnish sauna sausages "saunamakkara" on a sauna stove and in this sauna they even had this small plate over the stove where to put the sausages! But have to admit, that it was really delicious.
Our camp fire in the evening... With the stars! |
The rest of the evening we just took some blankets and sat next to the outdoor grill - and watched the beautiful dark sky with the million of stars...