Monday, July 15, 2013

The forest berries are getting ready :)

Summer and autumn are so nice times in Finnish nature, because you can finally, after a long winter, pick up delicious and fresh berries directly from the forest! The first berry is a wild strawberry - and of course a cultivated strawberry. If you are lucky, you might find wild strawberries until the middle of July! 

Wild strawberries are the first delicacy in Finnish forests and fields.
The second ones are the blueberries. And boy those are sooo good as well, you can not even notice how the time runs, when you'll find a good place to pick those up! And finally you will find out that your fingers and tongue are totally blue :). 

Delicious blueberries.
In Finland we eat blueberries also with milk!
From the finger you can see how much you have picked up the blueberries ;-)
In the same time with the blueberries, in July, you can also find the wild raspberries, which are so much sweeter than the cultivated ones.

Hmmmm... The wild raspberries.

The last ones, but not least ;-) are the lingonberries - our little bit sour, but so beautiful colored berry. Buy the way, if you see in any shop e.g. a lingonberry soap, I really do recommend that, because the smell of lingonberry is so good!

A lingonberry.
Finally comes also the mushrooms. The first ones are chantarelles already in July and then comes all the others.. We have so many good and eatable mushrooms, that I recommend to buy a guide for the mushrooms.
Mushrooms can be picked up mainly in August and September, but some are ready already in July! 
And finally, if you don't have enough time to pick up your own berries, our market place is an excellent place to buy some :)

You can also pick up the berries from our market place :)

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