Thursday, July 26, 2012

Opera in Olavinlinna Castle, a stone fortress built in 1475

Olavinlinna Castle. Picture: Savonlinna Travel Ltd.
I have been enjoying 3 different operas in this summer with my friends and all of these were a unique experience for me. The traditional Motzart's The Magic Flute, was performed in Finnish language (and the English subtitles) and the audience loved the extra jokes they made during the performance. There were also lot's of children, who seemed to like the opera as well.

Saimaa Ringed Seal. Picture: Savonlinna Travel Ltd.
The second opera I saw was a new opera "La Fenice" made by Kimmo Hakola. I'm not a professional opera fan, but in my experience La Fenice was quite modern opera, which told about the opera house in Venice. Luckily I have a friend, who knows more about the operas and she have written a real review to Sunday Express! But if I'm honest, the most immemorial moment in this evening for me was the Saimaa Ringed Seal which we saw right next to the castle, after the opera. It was just so amazing!!

Finally my third opera was Verdi's Aida - which was a spectacular performance! Even my opera specialist friend send an sms during the intermission back to his friend that the Aida is just perfect in these wonderful settings.

So what can you say more, than Savonlinna Opera Festival is a very unique happening in medieval settings of Olavinlinna Castle and I really hope to do this again next summer.

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